Are you experiencing depression, anxiety, PTSD, ADHD
or relationship issues?

Perhaps you are a concerned parent whose child or teenager is unhappy or underachieving in school.

As a psychologist, I have helped many people with problems like these.

Sometimes the unhappiness, confusion and frustration just don't go away.
And what you are doing doesn't seem to work. I can help you or your child uncover the inner resources needed to understand what has stood in the
way in the past and make the necessary changes.

You may have been to a therapist or been in counseling before and have tried a variety of treatments including medication and are not satisfied with the results.

Perhaps you are wondering whether the treatment you are currently receiving is right for you.

A no-obligation second opinion about what you or your child are dealing with can help.


No matter how loving, close and supportive your relationships may be, you

may feel you just cannot share certain things with those closest to you. Or

perhaps there is nobody who seems to understand. Personal therapy is the

only place and time in your life where you will able to talk about anything you

wish without wondering whether what you say will have a negative impact

on your daily life, your job  or your relationships. It is a place where you can

feel safe.

The therapy session is an island of reflection, a private time to help you sift

through everything.You may not feel free to make the choices you would like

to make or have confidence that the ones you prefer will work for you. This

means you need to get to the root of the problem and not just deal with

surface symptoms. That way,the changes that you make will last. To be

effective, therapy has to be individualized to meet your needs and your

needs alone, rather than being dictated by some text-book strategy or

somebody else telling you what to do.  I will help you by understanding your

unique needs and helping you address them in a way respectful of who you

are as an individual.

I can help you develop the ability to make those choices for yourself that are

likely to stand the test of time.

VERIFIED BY PSYCHOLOGY TODAY: http://therapists.psychologytoday.com/rms/prof_detail.php?profid=38363&sid=1364466955.8503_20793&lastname=Shill&tr=ResultsProfileBtn&trow=1&ttot=161